10 Wonderful Irish Words - Winter Edition

10 Wonderful Irish Words - Winter Edition
Here at the start of January winter is now officially in full swing.  Short days, dropping temperatures, snow, sleet, ice, frost, and all the joys and pains that come with this season are here.  For some of you, winter means snowball fights and firesides - hot cocoa and warm blankets.  For others it is trudging through snow, slick roads, cold and wet and miserable.  I myself can enjoy the winter days, but I do heartily look forward to spring.  So to keep my spirits up, I have collected for you a list of my favorite Irish words to use in the winter.
Geimhreadh (GEEV-ra)  

Sneachta (SHNAK-tuh)  
Lets face it, this word is less beautiful than it is just plain fun to say.  
Fuar  (FOO-ar)  
Tá mé fuar. 
I am cold. 
This is pretty much me 24/7 from now until March.  Maybe April. 
You can find me buried under my heated blanket until spring comes again.
Siocán  (shuh-KAWN) 
Oighear  (EYE-ur)
Having to scrape ice off my windshield every morning in winter  is certain to raise my ire, which makes remembering the Irish word for ice, oighear, rather easy to remember. 
Miotóg  (ME-oh-towg)
The Irish word for glove does sound like a distant cousin to the english word Mitten.  I wonder if that’s a coincidence.
Seasgair -(SHASH-gerr)
This invokes a warm feeling of quiet nights and serene afternoons.  Hanging out by the fire with a book, some tea, and a cat purring a way.  What does cozy mean to you?
Réinfhia  (ray-NEE-ah)
This almost sounds like a Targaryen cousin’s name, but no, Réinfhia is the Irish word for Reindeer.  The word for a regular deer is fia.
An Nollaig - (ahn-NULL-ig)
Fun history fact, Nollaig comes from the ancient Irish word notlaic, which itself derives from Latin nātālīcia (“a birthday party”), with specific reference to the birth of Christ.
Oíche Chinn Bliana  (EE-hin BLEE-in-uh)
New Year’s Eve
This is traditionally a day for cleaning the house and stocking the pantry as the Irish believe it sets the tone for the year to come.

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